Categories: Family Dentist

How Does a Family Dentist Treat Cavities?

Seeing a family dentist for a cavity treatment can target the problem teeth right away before they worsen. Many solutions are available. Discussing the process can help you make informed decisions. Here are the details on how your family dentist treats cavities.

Treatment options for cavities

An individual cannot treat a cavity at home. The only way to get relief from cavity symptoms is to see a family dentist. The treatment that one gets depends on the gravity of the dental decay. Below are the most common ones:

  • Dental crowns cover the whole tooth. The dentist will cement the finished crowns over the affected teeth once the fit is right. These restorations can protect and strengthen the teeth while bringing back their healthy look.
  • Dental fillings can fill minor cavities. There are also many materials to choose from. The family dentist will drill away the decayed sections of the tooth. Placing the dental filling will come after. A curing light will harden the filling and fix it in place.
  • Studies show that fluoride treatments can restore teeth with minor decay. The family dentist will apply fluoride to stop the decay. The treatment can help repair the enamel.

Early cavity treatment

The family dentist will assess the cavity first. Non-invasive methods can repair the early stages of decay. Patching up a tiny area that has only affected the enamel’s surface will be quick and painless. The dentist can suggest brushing the teeth with toothpaste that can stop the progression of the cavity. At this stage, the tooth will not need a filling.

Middle-stage cavity treatment

Untreated early stages of tooth decay that is on the enamel will go deeper into the tooth. The cavity will reach the dentin layer that contains nerves and pulps. This will cause pain and will need immediate treatment. The family dentist will drill away the decayed areas and fill the space with composite resin material. Dental fillings can restore and strengthen the affected teeth.

Advanced cavity treatment

Many months or years of neglect can result in a tooth abscess. This condition can be life-threatening. At this level, the family dentist will perform a root canal or an extraction. A root canal will involve cleaning out the infected or damaged pulp. Filling the pulp chamber with gutta-percha will stabilize the treated tooth. The dentist will place a dental crown over the tooth to protect and strengthen it.

Preventing cavities

The main goal of the family dentist is to prevent tooth decay. This is possible through regular dental checks and cleanings. Seeing the dentist for professional dental cleanings can clear away the plaque and tartar. This can stop cavity formation in its tracks. Daily brushing and flossing can also help achieve good dental health.

Each dental checkup gives the family dentist the opportunity to offer proper dental advice. Patients can learn the right techniques for brushing and flossing. Improving one’s diet can help achieve better oral health as well. Finding the right type of mouthwash can also protect the teeth from bacterial acid attacks.

Your family dentist can help maintain or enhance your oral health

Cavities can cause chaos in the mouth. Regular visits with your dentist can help prevent them from progressing. The right treatment can restore the affected teeth. Working with your family dentist can make your cavity treatments last for a long time.

Request an appointment here: or call Community Smiles at (919) 913-9075 for an appointment in our Chapel Hill office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Chapel Hill, NC.

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